Friday, August 7, 2009

Welcome to Energy Drinks Exposed!

Energy Drinks: A Brief Review

Thank you for taking the time to visit Energy Drinks Exposed and Welcome!

If you haven't noticed all of the craze in the recent years about energy drinks I'd have to say you must have been living on a different planet! Everywhere you turn now days there's an ad (on a billboard, in a magazine or a commercial on TV) or something on the news (online, in the newspaper, or the daily TV news) in regards to the new energy drink craze. Besides just energy drinks there's the new energy shots that are also rapidly increasing in popularity as well. The most popular energy drinks and energy shots that headline the sales charts and news topics are: Monster energy drink, Rockstar energy drink, Red Bull energy drink, and 5 hour energy drink. There are many more energy drinks and energy shots on the market, those are just some of the most popular ones or the ones that net the most in sales each year.

So what is it that makes these energy drinks so popular and so desired? I would have to say a lot of it is the media behind it that pitches all the hype because when you break it down and take a look at the ingredients and the results, most energy drinks are not all they're cracked up to be.

About Us (the site)
The idea of this site, Energy Drinks Exposed, is to take a look at some of the more popular energy drinks, break down their ingredient listings to see what in the energy drinks is good for you or bad for you, and hopefully help you determine which are the best energy drinks for you or your loved ones... and if there really is a such thing as a healthy energy drink.

While the leading energy drinks in the industry are usually the ones sold in stores (like Monster, Rockstar, Red Bull, and 5 hour energy), there are many other energy drinks that are sold by other companies, some of which offer business opportunities and a chance for you to capitalize on the multi-billion dollar a year energy drink industry. We will also attempt to review some of these companies and offer insight as to which we feel offer you the best opportunity to create an income with energy drinks.

About Us (the authors)
There are currently two of us authoring this site/blog. Below, you can learn a little bit more about each of us...

about Faith Bonilla...
I personally have never been a huge fan of energy drinks. While the idea of more energy is appealing, especially since I am a mother of two boys under the age of five, I've learned to be a bit more hypocritical and not always buy into the hype that the TV commercials and magazine ads pitch at you. It took me a while to actually try any one of the energy drinks, and the only one that is sold in stores that I have tried to date has been Red Bull. The first time I tried it I can say I didn't like it that much. I also have never been a big fan of coffee either, so I don't know if that made any difference. So I left it alone until a few months later when I decided to try one again. It was about a year ago (summer of 2008)... we were moving and I had just finished working an 8-hour shift at my job and then had to go help my hubbie finish up our move - so I figured, why not? I can't honestly say I remember getting a huge boost of energy from the drink. I remember distinctly trying to figure out if I really was getting a kick of energy or if it was just the hype and my mind playing tricks on me. What I do remember are two things - feeling very jittery (my hands were shaking and I didn't know what to do with myself) and then... the crash, which was awful! I would have rather relied on my own natural energy and crash than to experience one like that again! Of course, the experience is not the same for everyone or else the energy drink industry wouldn't be the multi-billion dollar industry that it is today. But, based on the little bit of research I've done and news I've seen, heard, and read, many seem to experience episodes similar to mine.

My husband, who is a DJ, on the other hand, has personally loved the Red Bull energy drink for at least the past two years. He's always drank them and it always made me nervous, especially when stories of the health concerns related to them began popping up all over in the media. But he's never really experienced the same jitters and then crash I did, or if he did, he won't admit it!

about Shannon Blalock...

Shannon has struggled with arthritis since her 20’s. This problem has been exacerbated by the weight gain she experienced in 1995. On June 15, 2009 Shannon woke up and couldn’t get out of bed. At 40 years old the experience terrified her and caused her to seek for natural remedies for her own health issues, at which time she stumbled upon GBG and after seeing their line of products, she decided to take a more serious look at GBG.

Since that time Shannon has begun a quest to encourage healthy living in her native state of Mississippi. She is the founder of Mississippians for Fitness. As leader of this organization, it is Shannon’s desire to educate the people of her state about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. To learn more about her efforts, please visit

Prior to coming to GBG, Shannon was a solo-preneur. She assisted internet marketers in developing and using successful self-talk strategies to get to the next level in their businesses. Shannon is still a proponent of self-talk and money mindset. She enjoys coaching her GBG team members in these areas.

Shannon struck out on her own after she and her family survived hurricane Katrina. They lived in the coastal town of Bay St. Louis, MS. Losing everything and experiencing first hand the fragility of life was a wake up call for Shannon. She had long wanted to work for herself. Deciding that life was too short to not live her dreams, she left her nearly decade long career as a special education teacher and has worked from home ever since.

Shannon now resides near Jackson, MS with her husband, their daughter, two cats and a Siberian husky. When she’s not working her business, Shannon enjoys homeschooling her daughter, being politically proactive and participating in her local church.

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